Subdue Wrinkles & Lines | Brightens | Make Skin Firmer | Improve Skin Texture

Ingredients: Lotus & Rose extract, Raw brown Cane sugar, Activated Charcoal, Sweet Almond Oil, Virgin Olive Oil, Virgin Coconut Oil, Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter, Navara Rice extract, Aqua, Lye, Natural Clay’s, Pure Essential Oils

Weight:  approx. 115g+ when packed
**These are handmade Soap bars, there may be minute variation in natural colour, design or weight, but no compromise on quality


₹ 368.00

LahNatural Hot-Desire handmade bathing bar is buttery, soothing & gentle with incredibly moisturizing and lathers up super well. It’s crafted together with pure Honey, activated Charcoal, Rose extracts, Almond & raw Sugar which create a gentle, smarmy & luscious soap bar which helps to brighten & even out your skin complexion. It gives you supremely soft skin with natural energizer. The secret process recipe combines a deep, delicious, unisex, seductive aroma. This natural Soap is packed with a premium blend of luxurious cleansers, emollients, and essential oils that improve the skin texture treating lines & wrinkles. These renewable and biodegradable ingredients were carefully chosen and developed into a premium bathing bar which you always desire

Key Ingredients

Natural Rose extracts helps to maintains skin tone, clean and nourishes skin, subdues blemishes/dark spots. It has a great anti-ageing properties and deeply hydrates the skin

Lotus oil is known to revive & rejuvenate the lifeless skin deep from within. it has alpha-hydroxy acids that improve the elasticity & slow down the ageing of the skin. It firms & tightens the skin & removes dark spots. It is also filled with healthful nutrients from Vitamin B, C, fibre & minerals like copper, iron and zinc that are essentials for skin health

Activated Charcoal is charcoal that’s been treated to become highly porous and absorbent. it helps absorb excess oil, tightens pores, makes skin firmer, exfoliates skin, brightens complexion, deeply cleans, Calms inflammation and redness

Cane Sugar is a natural humectant that attracts and helps retain moisture in the skin. It Contains glycolic acid, a natural alpha hydroxy acid (AHA). Raw Cane sugar works to slough off dead skin cells and make way for healthier, glowing skin to show through

*We highly recommend to buy & use 3 soaps to get the desired best benefits

Do you know!
Other natural ingredients present in this soap that create the Magic

Virgin Olive Oil with Nutritional Value: Oleic Acid, Linoleic Acid, Palmitic Acid, Vitamin E and Polyphenols. Olives are highly rich in essential fatty acids and Vitamin E which make our soap superfatted. It leaves the skin nourished, moisturize and replenished post cleansing. Olive oil may help prevent premature signs of aging on the skin

Virgin Pure Coconut Oil with Nutritional Value: Lauric Acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Iron, Cobalamin, Calcium. Deeply moisturizes and has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to heal and soothe, Coconut Oil rich in Lauric acid, a fatty acid, which makes our soap superfatted. This leaves the skin nourished and replenished post cleansing

The cold-pressed Almond oil distilled from sweet Almonds is the most nutritious, adds glow, and deeply moisturizes the skin.  Its hypoallergenic and good for sensitive skin. It has anti-ageing properties helping skin regenerate naturally. It also contains vitamins A & E that protect skin from sun damage and stimulate skin cell generation

Castor Oil with Nutritional Value: Oleic Acid, Linoleic Acid, Ricinoleic Acid, Vitamin E and Minerals. Castor oil is highly rich in essential fatty acids. It Prevent wrinkles. And contains antioxidants that fight free radicals, fighting acne and promote overall skin health

Shea Butter with nutritional Value: Omega 9, 6 Fatty Acids, Triglycerides, Vitamins E and A. Known to melt at body temperature, Shea Butter is an excellent moisturizer and high essential fatty acid content makes this soap superfatted, and allows it to leave the skin nourished and replenished post cleansing, It’s anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal

Cocoa Butter is extracted from the Cocoa tree and contains high amounts of fatty acids that tenderly hydrate and nourish the skin, improving its elasticity, smooth scars, wrinkles, and other marks on the skin. They are also rich in natural plant compound named phytochemicals, these substances may improve blood flow to the skin and slow skin aging by protecting against damage from the sun’s harmful UV rays

Pure Natural Clay with nutritional Value: Montmorillonite, Dolomite, Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Manganese and Zinc. Clay is rich in minerals that help deep clean pores and soothe skin rashes, providing a natural shine, inhibits excess oil production, Fights acne.; Draws out skin impurities and Boosts blood circulation

Navara Rice water with nutritional Value: Amino Acid, Vitamin E, Phytic Acid, Ferulic Acid. Navara Rice is used in many Ayurvedic medicinal preparation, and this water is rich in antioxidants that help protect the skin against free radicals, promote more even-toned skin, and prevent the signs of ageing